
Boomerang Seniors: Aging Adults Move To Be Near Mom Or Dad

By SHARON JAYSON, Kaiser Health News Like many peers in their 70s, Lois and Richard Jones of Media, Pa., sold their home and downsized, opting for an apartment in a nearby senior living community they had come to know well. For 13 years, they have visited Lois’...

DeWine warns Ohioans to watch out for tax scams

As tax filing deadline approaches, scams to lure the unwary out of their tax refunds and into identity theft are increasing, warns Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine. DeWine this week issued an alert for residents to watch out for tax scams: Ohio Attorney General Mike...

Services for Shonebarger Tuesday, Wednesday

Dennis J. Shonebarger, longtime clerk and dear friend of the Browning & Meyer Co. legal practice, died March 9 after battling heart disease. The Browning & Meyer family extends its prayers and deepest sympathies to the Shonebarger family. We loved you and miss...

Be on guard for scams during holiday season

Thanksgiving Day tomorrow kicks off the cherished holiday season for millions of Americans. But it also kicks off the busiest time of the year for scams, and those who prey on the goodwill of people to commit fraud. Though it sounds humbug to say it, Americans need to...

Happy Veterans Day; Are you getting the benefits you’ve earned?

As we celebrate this Veterans Day and honor all those who have served in the United States Armed Forces, Browning & Meyer Co. LPA has another “Shout Out” for our Vets: Are you taking advantage of all the programs and benefits offered to U.S. veterans, both through...

What Is a Special Needs Trust?

A special needs trust is set up for a person with special needs to supplement any benefits the person with special needs may receive from government programs. A properly drafted special needs trust will allow the beneficiary to receive government benefits while still...